Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fitness for women 40 and up

with Trainer Jay, Mdm. Linda Diwa and  Dra. Zoida Jandoc-Hernandez   

My goal is to comfortably slow down at work , afford to  travel more and  enjoy life more by the time
I turn 50.  I wanted  to see the world , at least before I turned 60.
And just like what my co- aspiring digirati, Grace Mendoza Talens  wrote, I want my mid-life to be
a transition, be able to celebrate it and be fabulous at 50 rather than be depressed about it.

Who doesn’t want to be fabulous at 50... I guess, every woman does right?

But do you know that our metabolism slows down significantly at age 40? 
At this age our hormones  changes, muscle mass  also start to decrease by 10 percent every

Thus; it is not enough for us  women in our forties to just eat a balance diet, sleep 6-8 hours a day and
take supplements.  It is very valuable that we adopt a regular  weight-training  in conjuction with a 
cardiovascular excercise.

Regular weight training combined with cardiovascular excercise  will develop a strong muscles. It
will not  only makes us feel and look good, it will help combat low energy, mood swings and  insomia,   it  will also result to increased bone density and metabolism, and  lower risk of health condition that can develop after menopause, like heart disease or osteoporosis.... It short overall health and beauty....
In short fabulous self! 

with my Coach Rommel 

How  to start and keep going
Think about it as something must do, an investment for your health, convince yourself to commit to
 regularly do it. 
It is best to enroll in a gym that is convenient with you and hire a trainer to help you until are 
comfortable doing your own program.
Do not sweat alone, it is more fun to have friends to work out with and relate to.

Home Buying Guide for Start-up Families

Most of the time, it is more tempting to just continue to rent. It will be a tough decision resolve  to buy a house  because there will be a lot of sacrifices and expenses that we’ll be facing. When you buy a house, you’ll be entering in a big legal and financial commitment. 

Nowadays, buying a real estate is like marriage, although you can get rid of your spouse, if it’s really a wrong decision to marry him/her, it will not be easy to do.  It cannot be done in a snap of a finger without incurring a big loss. A flawed decision could cost you several pains and hundreds of sleepless nights. Imagine yourself struggling just to raise money for the monthly amortization which can last for about 5 years or even 20-30 years! There is a very little room for error in  buying a home.

Therefore it is best that we take into consideration the process that should happen from the time that we decide to buy a home until the time we actually have the home.

1. Type of home that will suit your needs 

You have to determine what type of home suits your needs. You’ll be choosing from several options: a traditional single-family home, a townhouse, a condo, or a multi-family building with two to four units. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Does a condo lifestyle suits you and your family? Is buying a townhouse the right choice for you and your kids?  Think about it. You have to be satisfied with its features, fixtures and location. You should always consider your neighborhood size all the way up to the living room design and room layout.

2. Setting the price range
 It is important that, before you proceed in choosing a home, you have to get an idea of how much a lender will be willing to give you in order for you to purchase the property. You may visit banks and lending institution and inquire for a home loan amount and interest you can qualify for.  Banks and other lending institutions will apply certain criteria to determine how much loan you can have considering your monthly income, the debt that you have and your job stability.  The terms, interest and fees varies. It is good to compare them side by side to really see which one could be of best advantage for you.  It is good to get a pre-approval for an amount you can loan and the interest so you’ll have an idea of the price range of home you can afford.

3. Home Shopping

You need to do a lot of research before buying a home. You should build a comparison of its kind, level, location-wise and affordability.  Say for example, you’re working in Makati and you can afford to buy a 5-6 million Philippine peso home. From that point of view, you can probably look at a mid-end condominium in Makati, a two bedroom townhouse in Quezon City or a Single detached house and lot in a subdivision somewhere in the South suburbs of Makati.

Compare each type and kind of home based on location. Do not forget to think through your goals and needs.  (See my blog: Location is major considerationin buying a home).

4. Due Diligence

Due diligence involves among others checking  the  authenticity of the Title and  its transfer history. You should verify the lot measurements, building conformity, worthiness, and permits. You should also be aware of the taxes paid, authority of the sellers and so on and forth depending  on the situation, before making your offer.

If you are buying a condominium from  developers like Ayala , SMDC  or DMCI who are really reputable , maybe not as much- but it is still an abosolute must that you do  a Due Diligence on the property.  Always bear in mind the saying  in the law  CAVEAT EMPTOR!  or “ buyers beware”. It is best that you are assisted by a reputable and  Professional  licensed real estate broker for a more reliable decision-making and approach.

5. Home Appraisal

This is an important step if you are buying from a private individual ,before you make an offer. It will give you  not only an idea of the price  but also the factors affecting the price of the property.  It can be a basis to evaluate if the property will have a good appreciation in the future.

6. Negotiation and Closing

If  you will reach this stage,  it means that all terms are correct and fair. In this case, you are truly decided and strong-minded that you can afford the house. The house meets your needs and goals. You can also rely and depend on the documents and situation of the property. Without having these in mind, there is no use to go through this stage.

Negotiation means you and the seller just have to fine tune , meet halfway about certain things like price, documentation, mode of payment  or few  other concerns. Considering that you have done all the process closing should be a breeze. It should just involve signing of documents with all agreed  terms and conditions in  it and implementing payment  procedure .

Photo Credit: ATI Properties
Photo Credit: Articles 88
Photo Credit: Charles Francis
Photo Credit: Siam Legal

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Location is a Major Consideration in Buying a House

Most of the time, we opt to buy a house because of its fixtures and durability. Sometimes, we also look for a clean environment, harmonious neighborhood and classy style of a home. It all depends on our preferences and capacity to own one. But there is something we should look at and take into high consideration.

House in Caloocan

My husband and I both grew up in Caloocan. My parents used to own a House and Lot in Caloocan. It is located in an old subdivision called Morning Breeze. It is near Manila Central University and Hospital, a short walk to groceries and public market, few steps away from commercial establishments and last but not the least, accessible to all kinds of public transportation. With all these in mind, I can probably say that it is a good location.

Acquired House in Quezon City

Amidst all the persuasive and convincing features and settings, we decided not to buy that house in Caloocan City. Instead, we put our investment and bought a house and lot in Quezon City. We considered that house and lot in Quezon City because of these three factors:

1. Location- in terms of conveniences we need to do our business and to raise our children. We've chosen a place that is near to our workplace, our children’s school and accessible for a weekend getaway or family time.

2. Location - in terms of property value, we chose a smaller house and lot in Quezon City even if we could buy bigger house and lot in Caloocan City for the same price. Our house and lot in Quezon City has a better neighborhood and vicinity. Besides, our subdivision is secured and safeguarded. 

3. Location- in terms of investment potential, we chose our house in Quezon City because it is in a subdivision and next to a number of upper class subdivision. We applied the real estate’s principle of progression which states that the value of under-improved property in a high value neighborhood is perceived higher than its actual cost.

When buying a house, we should always know its pitfalls and downsides. You might get a big house, affordable and convenient but is the location acceptable? Will you find fulfillment ad satisfaction in the location of your house in the long run? Let’s always stretch our minds. Let us always think the long-term effects of our own decisions because we are highly responsible in every move we make.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

You Don’t Need to Buy a House

“Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind.”  - Seneca

I always hear the words “pride of ownership”. I know its meaning and I know how it feels. For me, it is a distinct feeling of achievement combined with sense of security and freedom. It would be a great self-satisfaction for those people who have the capacity to pay the monthly amortization or have that strong purchasing power. On the other side of the story, they might end up burdened instead of being proud of what they have if they will push through with the project w/o the capacity of owning it. Yes. “Pride of ownership” can also be a “big burden” for some instances.

I can say to you, if my only goal as a licensed real estate broker is to sell, I would say of course that it’s always good to buy a house. A house is a basic need. It will give you the pride of ownership. It is an achievemt that will be appreciated in time and so on and so forth.

However, there are certain situations where it is not yet compelling or advisable to buy a house just like the following:

1. If Your Marriage is on the Rocks

It will be nice to own a condominium in Makati City. However, it is not wise to buy if you are not sure if you and your partner are going to stay together at least until you’re paid off with the property. Also, it is not worthwhile to invest your savings and effort if neither of you can’t afford to pay the obligation alone. It might cause a constraint because if you part ways, you might face a foreclosure problem later on if amortization for your condominium in Makati is not paid and hanging.

2. If You Don’t Have a Stable Job

It might be a good idea to buy a home like a condominium in Makati City   if you’re paying in cash or someone is paying for you, or  if in case you’ll lose your current job, you can get a better or at least equally good job  to  sustain payments for your condominium in Makati. Of course if you will be out of job, you will prioritize  groceries, and  transportation  allowance over amortization for that condominium in Makati, the result could be a huge debt for you. 

3. If You Are New in the Area

If for example you are from Bacolod and you just moved in Makati, it would be better to just rent a unit first and then buy a property/house, if that will be your objective eventually. It takes time to build an equity enough to retain money when you sell as you have to pay 6% capital and 3% or more for real estate broker’s commission.

4. If You Relocate Almost Every Year

If your job requires that you relocate almost every year or if it’s in your personality to switch to different environment every now and then , it is not wise to buy a house as you cannot easily sell a house at a drop of a hat. You can buy a house though but it might be a big loss for you.

The choice of buying your new house is really in your hands now.
We really need right timing and extensive decision-making before owning a house.

Photo Credit: Marriage Problem
Photo Credit:  Expatica
Photo Credit: Vandaclean
Photo Credit: Home Search

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A mid-range condominium in Pasig for workaholic individuals

I was lurking at facebook last thursday  night when I recieve a messenger message from my friend and former colleague at Edsa Shangri-la Hotel, Rey.  Rey is working in Canada  and he messaged me to confirm  that I'm  a licensed real estate broker, he was happy  and relieved to know that I'am because he wanted to have somebody he knows well to help him with his condominium for sale in Pasig.

Rey love his condominuin in Pasig because of it's resort type theme "So much like Edsa Shangri-la", he said.  According to him it is also very accessible to Ortigas Center area. He just wanted to sell it because he  is now based in Canada. We agreed that he will arrange with  somebody to show me the unit this week, so I checked first what that condomium in Pasig or One Oasis Ortgias offers.

Sharing with you what my  initial  search revealed :   

1. "The development is already complete"

   This are the layout of studio and  2BR unit and  standard  specifications,

2. " Urban amenities  are within  5-6  kilometers away "

As they say, ease of life and convenience awaits at One Oasis Ortigas. Below is the full list of the nearby Hospitals, schools and commercial areas.

3. "Full blast features and amenities on board the development "

Apparently, more than 60% of the community is dedicated to indoor and outdoor recreational activities. It has a Multipurpose clubhouse, Fitness gym, Entertainment area, Activity area, Adult and kiddie pools 

Tree park, Basketball court, Jogging path and Grand entrance. All of these apparently  are co-owned by the unit owners and they have the full access to these amenities.

4." Looks like a  good  value for  money"

As they claim, "this mid-rise condominium in Pasig" is a welcome contrast from the noise and pollution of the city".  This community is  modern, secured and equipped with standard facilities. It is aslo positioned as mid-range condominium in Pasig.

It is seems like it is really a thriving community in the midst of busy streets and workaholic individuals.

Source: Filinvest One Oasis Ortigas

Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Condominium

Reasons why I loved living in a condominium? Well, it’s more convenient, economical and just a hop and skip away from the Supermarket, Restaurants, Schools, Malls and Hardware. Most of the condominiums nowadays are structured in an urban area where facilities and conveniences are just around the vicinity and always within your reach.

I just remembered how my husband and I decided to move in a condominium in Quezon City when my eldest child was 10, my baby girl was 9 and my youngest son was 4. It was so functional and well-designed. It has two small bedrooms with laundry cum maid’s room. I liked the ambiance and look of the interior and exterior design of that condominiun in Quezon City. We managed to live for fourtheen months  with just one all-around helper  considering that the children were still young back then. I also had that experience of having minimal electric bills because that condominium in Quezon City has a just an efficient space..

Once you’re a unit owner,  you’ll also have the rights to use the amenities and services like
Swimming pool, Gym, Mini-resto, Hall and the playground area. We don’t need to go out of town just to relax because most of the time, we spend our weekends in these highly-equipped and accessible facilities in Quezon City.

When you have visitors or guests, there are options of whether you’ll let them inside your unit or just accommodate them in the lobby. Security guards are very watchful and alert. You can find them at the lobby, securing the whole area. They will call you if in case you’ll have a visitor and will let you know beforehand so that no one can go up without any permission coming from you. Surely, you’ll love the privacy and security in a condominium.

To sum it up, it was a practical and very economical years for us.

There are lots of perks in living in a   condominium. However, there are four important things you have to understand before owning a condominium.

1.      Your proof of ownership will be a Condominium Certificate of Title or CCT

The moment you buy a townhouse in Quezon City or House and Lot in Bulacan, you will have the  absolute right over the property   ( the inside and the outside area as long as it’s in the bounds of the lot stated in the TCT and an airspace). You’ll also be given the Transfer Certificate Title of TCT as proof of ownership. On the other hand, Condominium only gives you the ownership of the unit that you purchased ( only the inside of the unit ).

2.      Condominium project has an enabling act or Master Deed

Before a developer can put up a condominium on a parcel of land, a Master Deed has to be annotated to the TCT of the lot. It usually contains information about the lot and purpose of the project.  I think, what matters most is your awareness and understanding about your rights as a “unit owner” to the use of the common areas of the condominium project and the rules stipulated through declaration of restrictions. There are also times that a declaration of restriction is a separate document from the master deed. Take time to read and understand it before you make that reservation fee.

3.      Every condominium project has a Condominium Corporation

The condominium corporation holds the “Title” to the common areas which is also co-owned by all other unit owners. Therefore, a unit owner is also considered as a stockholder to a condominium corporation. A majority vote in the condominium corporation can impart certain changes in the condominium project as long as it will not be contradicting with the Master Deed or the enabling act. Very often, the condominium corporation also manages the condominium project.

4.      Your ownership of the condominium unit is co-existent with the life of the Building

A building usually has an economic life of 50 years. Once a building becomes uneconomical and obsolete and more than 50% interest in the corporation opposed repair or renovation of the building, the building can be condemned, and what would be left will be  is only your interest in the lot as a co-owner similar with other unit owners.

Generally, a condominium is a good choice for a home because of its convenience and affordability. If chosen wisely, it can be a good investment for a family or young adult and professionals who want to start putting in their money for their future. Most of us think that condo ownership is just for the beginners and young professionals. Nevertheless, owning a condo for life is so common as this will be suitable for many families nowadays.

Is owning a condo good for you? Make sure that the condominium lifestyle is a perfect fit for you. 

Photo Credit:Land Mark
Photo Credit: To Condominiums
Photo Credit: SBLCFBC

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rent-to-own Scheme: A Go or a No?

"If you want to achieve more in  life, you should be assertive and be persistent for  everything you need or want."

 Let me share with you a story of my sister in law in California;

 "I really wanted to have a house but i do not have a bank credit yet back then.  So i tried to  negotiate  with the owners of the houses I like  if they could let me have it through rent to own scheme, I was turned down several times  but i persisted  until i  met this  old couple who agreed on a rent-to-own basis. After 5 years, I was able to build up a bank credit  and was able to build enough equity not only to fully  bank  finance the balance,   i even had extra to remodel the house."

My sister-in-law never fall short in sharing with me her story. Sounds good right?

Here in the Philippines, we can also do arrangements like that. However, most of us are unaware  rent-to-own scheme when it comes to acquiring a home.

Want to know how it works? Read it for yourself and spread the word.

According to my own understanding, a rent-to-own concept is an arrangement between the Lessee and the Lessor where in the Lessee will have an option to buy the property after a certain period of time, and you can actually negotiate this arrangement with an owner who has property for lease or sale. Well... there is no harm in trying.

Let me give you an example.

Theres a condominium for Lease in Makati and its open to a rent-to-own arrangement. Instead of a regular rental contract, they have this so-called Contract of Lease with Option to buy document. There will be a non-refundable fee which is termed as option consideration. If the price of that condominium in Makati is 3 Million, then the option fee for that condominium in Makati will be around P150, 000 to P300, 000. You can also settle this payment through deducting it in your down payment if you decide to buy the property in the long run.

There are also terms and conditions that will be agreed upon by and between the Lessee and the Lessor. Other terms might still be negotiable depending on the buyer and the seller.

Let us take a look on the advantages of staying in a rent-to-own scheme.

  1. Instant equity
Experience the feeling of having an instant  home without immediately drawing out a million peso from your account. You can also have the ability to lock in a purchase price, in case home prices increase the next few years.

  1. No immediate bank involvement
Admit it, it really takes time to save and shell out cash for a one-time bigtime payment. In this deal, you will be given enough time to build your credits depending on the agreed monthly payment. It will not be costly compared to a single full payment for a certain property. You will actually save a percentage from your rental payment and part of it will be credited to your down payment.

  1. Hassle-free process
If in case youll be interested to agree on a rent-to-own scheme, it will be easier for you to dress it up as the house is  ready to be occupied. You will get used to a place with your new friends and neighbors without making a huge purchase. Aside from having time to build up a down payment and good credit record, renters have the advantage of "trying out" the house.

However, there are also pitfalls in rent-to-own scheme. At the end of the day, if you dont buy the home, you will lose your "option to buy consderation payment". There are also rent-to-own scams so make sure the agreement is reviewed very well.  It is also not aguarantee that prices will go up, although here in the Philippines properties have steadily gone up.  Last but not the least, there might be problems on the property that you dont know  so better do a due diligence even before entering into a rent-to-own scheme.

Anyhow, we can always try to consult professionals for further review and assistance.

Photo Credit: Why Rent
Photo Credit: Rent To Own Pilipinas
Photo Credit: Buy Homes in Detroit
Photo Credit: Ram Jack
Photo Credit: Invest in Edmonton

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Reputable and Professional Licensed Real Estate Broker: Why You Need One

I’ve been reading some news and featured articles on various magazines and online platforms about acquiring a real estate property since 2005. All of a sudden, I just realized how impractical  it would be for a strart-up  families or  real estate investors and  to buy a property without the help of a reputable licensed real estate broker.

As a bump-start, here’s my story..

Years ago, I was so excited to acquire a lot sale  in Quezon City. I remember how uncertain we were before to pay the full amount of the property even if  we will get an additional 10 percent off from the total purchase price. We were in doubt if the developer  could really complete the project. The subdivision project was on the pre-selling stage. 

It was indeed an endearing act from the firm to give us a total of  20 percent discount from the total purchase price for that lot for sale in Quezon City . 10% for being the one of the first 5 buyers to reserve plus another  10%  discount if we will pay in full within 7 days. But we  knew we had to do our homework first and verify risks involved before we pay for that lot for sale in Quezon city. So we thought of asking help from a reputable broker in doing a due diligence on the subdivision project. Believe me, you would really be needing the help of a professional broker (only if you want to find great value for your money and lower the risk of being cheated and tricked).

Taking into account the various angles of the situation, we discovered that the realty firm that issued us a receipt for our reservation fee was not yet licensed to sell the subdivision project . Thus, the developer has a partner bank  so there will be no problem in as far completion of subdivision is concerned. Our broker suggested that we place the full payment in an "escrow account" , until they get their license to sell. With that we've essetnially paid so , gave us the 20 percent discount as agreed. For added security we had the contract to sell annotated in the “Title” of the subject lot of subdivision project.

We paid the broker 2 percent of the total price and it was a win-win situation for both ends. I’ve been considering the services of a reputable and licensed real estate broker since I was an amateur in the Real Estate Industry and it was a huge help actually.

Everything happens for reasons. My experiences from the past might be the cultivating point of who I am today; a Licensed Real Estate Broker who just wanted to share her learning and ideas for those who are just starting out as newbie owners of a real property.

Here are the reasons why you need one:

  1. You will have their loyalty

A reputable licensed professional broker will only charge you a fair and reasonable commission that is in accordance with local practice. Their loyalty is also with you. They’ll unlikely connive with other agents’ ideas like setting a five hundred thousand pesos overhead to a three million pre-owned Townhouse in Quezon City that you are planning to buy just to get a higher commission.

  2.  To do due diligence on the property

Whether you’re planning to buy a 12sqm condominium near MRT or a start-up house and lot in Bulacan, it will be a test of getting the most out of your money. You should always be careful because you won’t want to see your money flying out because the title to the property sold to you is fake. You will also not want to become a victim of double sale (title has encumbrances that will make you unable to own the property. It is a standard responsibility for a reputable licensed real estate broker to conduct due diligence on the real estate property that you would want to buy to avoid any constraints.

 3. Assist you with the sales process and documentation

Even big developers can sometimes get creative with sales documentations, and/or include clauses that are not fair to the buyer or at certain extent against the law. A reputable licensed real estate broker should be able to evaluate the documents you are about to sign for that condominium, townhouse or house and lot. Stated in the documents should be fair to you and always in accordance with existing laws.      

Let us all be conversant and knowledgeable in investing our money and time for our future properties as we are all liable for every action and decision we make.

Let us also be wise in putting our trust to every person especially to the brokers and realty firms’ personnel as well. It is difficult to recuperate the lost. Better be wise and curious than having no idea at all.                                                                                                                                                      

 Photo Credit: Cesar E. Santos
 Photo Credit: Sneg Mortgage Team
 Photo Credit  Times Union
 Photo Credit: Agile Words