Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fitness for women 40 and up

with Trainer Jay, Mdm. Linda Diwa and  Dra. Zoida Jandoc-Hernandez   

My goal is to comfortably slow down at work , afford to  travel more and  enjoy life more by the time
I turn 50.  I wanted  to see the world , at least before I turned 60.
And just like what my co- aspiring digirati, Grace Mendoza Talens  wrote, I want my mid-life to be
a transition, be able to celebrate it and be fabulous at 50 rather than be depressed about it.

Who doesn’t want to be fabulous at 50... I guess, every woman does right?

But do you know that our metabolism slows down significantly at age 40? 
At this age our hormones  changes, muscle mass  also start to decrease by 10 percent every

Thus; it is not enough for us  women in our forties to just eat a balance diet, sleep 6-8 hours a day and
take supplements.  It is very valuable that we adopt a regular  weight-training  in conjuction with a 
cardiovascular excercise.

Regular weight training combined with cardiovascular excercise  will develop a strong muscles. It
will not  only makes us feel and look good, it will help combat low energy, mood swings and  insomia,   it  will also result to increased bone density and metabolism, and  lower risk of health condition that can develop after menopause, like heart disease or osteoporosis.... It short overall health and beauty....
In short fabulous self! 

with my Coach Rommel 

How  to start and keep going
Think about it as something must do, an investment for your health, convince yourself to commit to
 regularly do it. 
It is best to enroll in a gym that is convenient with you and hire a trainer to help you until are 
comfortable doing your own program.
Do not sweat alone, it is more fun to have friends to work out with and relate to.


  1. Hi Mam,

    how long po ba nag best cardio a day? and should there be a weight training if over weight?

  2. kailangan ko na talaga ito nang pumunta kami sa province pag dating sa akyatan lowbat na agad ako.

  3. your article was very encouraging , it's time for me to start exercising
